Protocol++® (Protocolpp®)  v5.6.2
tinyxml2::XMLNode Class Referenceabstract

#include <tinyxml2.h>

Inheritance diagram for tinyxml2::XMLNode:
Collaboration diagram for tinyxml2::XMLNode:

Public Member Functions

const XMLDocumentGetDocument () const
 Get the XMLDocument that owns this XMLNode.
XMLDocumentGetDocument ()
 Get the XMLDocument that owns this XMLNode.
virtual XMLElementToElement ()
 Safely cast to an Element, or null.
virtual XMLTextToText ()
 Safely cast to Text, or null.
virtual XMLCommentToComment ()
 Safely cast to a Comment, or null.
virtual XMLDocumentToDocument ()
 Safely cast to a Document, or null.
virtual XMLDeclarationToDeclaration ()
 Safely cast to a Declaration, or null.
virtual XMLUnknownToUnknown ()
 Safely cast to an Unknown, or null.
virtual const XMLElementToElement () const
virtual const XMLTextToText () const
virtual const XMLCommentToComment () const
virtual const XMLDocumentToDocument () const
virtual const XMLDeclarationToDeclaration () const
virtual const XMLUnknownToUnknown () const
int ChildElementCount (const char *value) const
int ChildElementCount () const
const char * Value () const
void SetValue (const char *val, bool staticMem=false)
int GetLineNum () const
 Gets the line number the node is in, if the document was parsed from a file.
const XMLNodeParent () const
 Get the parent of this node on the DOM.
XMLNodeParent ()
bool NoChildren () const
 Returns true if this node has no children.
const XMLNodeFirstChild () const
 Get the first child node, or null if none exists.
XMLNodeFirstChild ()
const XMLElementFirstChildElement (const char *name=0) const
XMLElementFirstChildElement (const char *name=0)
const XMLNodeLastChild () const
 Get the last child node, or null if none exists.
XMLNodeLastChild ()
const XMLElementLastChildElement (const char *name=0) const
XMLElementLastChildElement (const char *name=0)
const XMLNodePreviousSibling () const
 Get the previous (left) sibling node of this node.
XMLNodePreviousSibling ()
const XMLElementPreviousSiblingElement (const char *name=0) const
 Get the previous (left) sibling element of this node, with an optionally supplied name.
XMLElementPreviousSiblingElement (const char *name=0)
const XMLNodeNextSibling () const
 Get the next (right) sibling node of this node.
XMLNodeNextSibling ()
const XMLElementNextSiblingElement (const char *name=0) const
 Get the next (right) sibling element of this node, with an optionally supplied name.
XMLElementNextSiblingElement (const char *name=0)
XMLNodeInsertEndChild (XMLNode *addThis)
XMLNodeLinkEndChild (XMLNode *addThis)
XMLNodeInsertFirstChild (XMLNode *addThis)
XMLNodeInsertAfterChild (XMLNode *afterThis, XMLNode *addThis)
void DeleteChildren ()
void DeleteChild (XMLNode *node)
virtual XMLNodeShallowClone (XMLDocument *document) const =0
XMLNodeDeepClone (XMLDocument *target) const
virtual bool ShallowEqual (const XMLNode *compare) const =0
virtual bool Accept (XMLVisitor *visitor) const =0
void SetUserData (void *userData)
void * GetUserData () const

Protected Member Functions

 XMLNode (XMLDocument *)
virtual char * ParseDeep (char *p, StrPair *parentEndTag, int *curLineNumPtr)

Protected Attributes

StrPair _value
int _parseLineNum
void * _userData


class XMLDocument
class XMLElement

Detailed Description

XMLNode is a base class for every object that is in the XML Document Object Model (DOM), except XMLAttributes. Nodes have siblings, a parent, and children which can be navigated. A node is always in a XMLDocument. The type of a XMLNode can be queried, and it can be cast to its more defined type.

A XMLDocument allocates memory for all its Nodes. When the XMLDocument gets deleted, all its Nodes will also be deleted.

A Document can contain: Element (container or leaf)
                        Comment (leaf)
                        Unknown (leaf)
                        Declaration( leaf )

An Element can contain: Element (container or leaf)
                        Text    (leaf)
                        Attributes (not on tree)
                        Comment (leaf)
                        Unknown (leaf)

Member Function Documentation

◆ Accept()

virtual bool tinyxml2::XMLNode::Accept ( XMLVisitor visitor) const
pure virtual

Accept a hierarchical visit of the nodes in the TinyXML-2 DOM. Every node in the XML tree will be conditionally visited and the host will be called back via the XMLVisitor interface.

This is essentially a SAX interface for TinyXML-2. (Note however it doesn't re-parse the XML for the callbacks, so the performance of TinyXML-2 is unchanged by using this interface versus any other.)

The interface has been based on ideas from:

Which are both good references for "visiting".

An example of using Accept():

XMLPrinter printer;
tinyxmlDoc.Accept( &printer );
const char* xmlcstr = printer.CStr();

Implemented in tinyxml2::XMLDocument, tinyxml2::XMLElement, tinyxml2::XMLUnknown, tinyxml2::XMLDeclaration, tinyxml2::XMLComment, and tinyxml2::XMLText.

◆ DeepClone()

XMLNode* tinyxml2::XMLNode::DeepClone ( XMLDocument target) const

Make a copy of this node and all its children.

If the 'target' is null, then the nodes will be allocated in the current document. If 'target' is specified, the memory will be allocated is the specified XMLDocument.

NOTE: This is probably not the correct tool to copy a document, since XMLDocuments can have multiple top level XMLNodes. You probably want to use XMLDocument::DeepCopy()

◆ DeleteChild()

void tinyxml2::XMLNode::DeleteChild ( XMLNode node)

Delete a child of this node.

◆ DeleteChildren()

void tinyxml2::XMLNode::DeleteChildren ( )

Delete all the children of this node.

◆ FirstChildElement()

const XMLElement* tinyxml2::XMLNode::FirstChildElement ( const char *  name = 0) const

Get the first child element, or optionally the first child element with the specified name.

◆ GetUserData()

void* tinyxml2::XMLNode::GetUserData ( ) const

Get user data set into the XMLNode. TinyXML-2 in no way processes or interprets user data. It is initially 0.

◆ InsertAfterChild()

XMLNode* tinyxml2::XMLNode::InsertAfterChild ( XMLNode afterThis,
XMLNode addThis 

Add a node after the specified child node. If the child node is already part of the document, it is moved from its old location to the new location. Returns the addThis argument or 0 if the afterThis node is not a child of this node, or if the node does not belong to the same document.

◆ InsertEndChild()

XMLNode* tinyxml2::XMLNode::InsertEndChild ( XMLNode addThis)

Add a child node as the last (right) child. If the child node is already part of the document, it is moved from its old location to the new location. Returns the addThis argument or 0 if the node does not belong to the same document.

◆ InsertFirstChild()

XMLNode* tinyxml2::XMLNode::InsertFirstChild ( XMLNode addThis)

Add a child node as the first (left) child. If the child node is already part of the document, it is moved from its old location to the new location. Returns the addThis argument or 0 if the node does not belong to the same document.

◆ LastChildElement()

const XMLElement* tinyxml2::XMLNode::LastChildElement ( const char *  name = 0) const

Get the last child element or optionally the last child element with the specified name.

◆ SetUserData()

void tinyxml2::XMLNode::SetUserData ( void *  userData)

Set user data into the XMLNode. TinyXML-2 in no way processes or interprets user data. It is initially 0.

◆ SetValue()

void tinyxml2::XMLNode::SetValue ( const char *  val,
bool  staticMem = false 

Set the Value of an XML node.

See also

◆ ShallowClone()

virtual XMLNode* tinyxml2::XMLNode::ShallowClone ( XMLDocument document) const
pure virtual

Make a copy of this node, but not its children. You may pass in a Document pointer that will be the owner of the new Node. If the 'document' is null, then the node returned will be allocated from the current Document. (this->GetDocument())

Note: if called on a XMLDocument, this will return null.

Implemented in tinyxml2::XMLElement, tinyxml2::XMLUnknown, tinyxml2::XMLDeclaration, tinyxml2::XMLComment, tinyxml2::XMLText, and tinyxml2::XMLDocument.

◆ ShallowEqual()

virtual bool tinyxml2::XMLNode::ShallowEqual ( const XMLNode compare) const
pure virtual

Test if 2 nodes are the same, but don't test children. The 2 nodes do not need to be in the same Document.

Note: if called on a XMLDocument, this will return false.

Implemented in tinyxml2::XMLElement, tinyxml2::XMLUnknown, tinyxml2::XMLDeclaration, tinyxml2::XMLComment, tinyxml2::XMLText, and tinyxml2::XMLDocument.

◆ Value()

const char* tinyxml2::XMLNode::Value ( ) const

The meaning of 'value' changes for the specific type.

Document:   empty (NULL is returned, not an empty string)
Element:    name of the element
Comment:    the comment text
Unknown:    the tag contents
Text:       the text string

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